Autumn -- The Season of the Soul, 10/10/20

I notice that Autumn is...
 more the Season of the Soul than of Nature.
                                                                               Friedrich Nietzsche 
Dear STL Family,
This quote really resonates with me especially after viewing the live-streamed Rite of Confirmation yesterday evening. Bishop John Dolan presided over this 'soulful' celebration and so eloquently evangelized the Confirmation candidates, their sponsors, and families with his homily. This was a FIRST for us ~ administering the Sacrament of Confirmation at an outdoor evening Mass on the front porch and courtyard of St. Luke. What an amazing occasion!
Evelyn Beale, our Coordinator of Youth & Young Adult Ministry, is to be highly commended for her creativity, outside-the-box thinking, organization, and oversight of this special sacramental event. Her core team of volunteers ~ teens and adults ~ are also to be acknowledged for their help and support. Below are the names of our Newly Confirmed. Please join me in congratulating them!
I know many of our families with children whose souls are on their sacramental journey have felt stuck in the same place for months. Like our Newly Confirmed, the First Communicants will receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. Today, Fr. Ron beamed as he spoke of hearing the three young souls' confessions. In his words, "Children really get it. They're only seven- or eight-years-old. Yet they're so open, so honest, and want to do better, to do the right thing." I wish my soul was more comfortable in preparing for the times I go to Reconciliation.
Several of you have asked if we will be returning to our regular Mass schedule. Having discussed this with Fr. Ronwe will continue with the live-streamed indoor 5 pm Mass on Saturdays and the outdoor 9 am Mass on Sundays until further notice. Basically, the Mass attendance at these two Masses falls below the maximum persons allowed ~ Saturday 5 pm Mass (less than the required maximum of100 persons) and Sunday 9 am Mass (less than 200 with no required maximum). Prior to COVID, we averaged a total weekend Mass attendance of 700+ versus the current attendance of 200-250 people. 
I'm excited to report that at least six parishioners volunteered to join our Pastoral Care for the Sick Ministry. We will have a Zoom meeting including training resources for you this coming week. It's not too late to sign up. Just contact me.
You've been so patient and understanding with us. We welcome your thoughts and feedback as we cautiously move forward. God bless you all!
With a very grateful heart,
Remember ~ You may view general parish news, prayer requests, ministry, and other group news, as well as announcements in our Sunday Bulletins found on our parish website at:
Sent by Jane Alfano