Making Room at St. Luke's "Inn", 12/21/20

Come Let Us Adore Him!
  • Please help keep all of our parish family safe!
  • Wear your face covering.
  • Respect the six-foot social-distance measures. 
  • Don't forget to bring your own chair.
  • Remember to pass this information on to your guests and neighbors.
We want to accommodate as many of you at our Christmas Masses. Based on your responses to our November survey, we estimated over 230 persons at the Dec, 24th 3:30 pm Mass and less than 100 at each of the other Masses. Remember that all the Masses will be held outdoors and the 3:30 pm Mass will be live-streamed for those who cannot join us in person. With the revised Christmas Mass schedule, we'd like to update our estimated attendance. So please let us know below which Mass you think you may attend and how many in your family unit may be joining us. THIS IS NOT AN RSVP NOR IS AN RSVP REQUIRED:
We still need donations for The Giving Tree and will accept them through January 10, 2021. For your convenience, buy Scrip (gift cards) after the Sunday 9:00 am Mass each week.
Thank you for your generosity!
Sent by Jane Alfano