Mass Intentions 2021, 12/14/20

FROM: The Pastor FROM: The Pastor
Dear Parishioners,
In the past, we have accepted Mass intention requests for 3 weekday Masses and 2 weekend Masses. One weekend Mass is reserved for the intention of praying for the people of our parish, called pro populo, or "for the people", as is required by Canon Law.
Because of Covid, there are many Mass intentions that have gone unfulfilled. We need to make up those Mass intentions. Also, I am only allowed, by Canon Law, to accept Mass intentions that I can fulfill within one year's time.
And, I am not allowed to combine more than one Mass intention for a single Mass without the consent of the requesters. This is because priests receive the donation for the intention personally and the Church wants to avoid any indication that we might be doing this for the money rather than the spiritual welfare of the people.
Consequently, for the foreseeable future, I will only accept Mass intention requests from those who agree to allow other Mass intentions to be combined with theirs for the particular Mass. Also, as Canon Law dictates, I will only receive the stipend from one of those Masses. The other stipend will be placed into a fund, which we call Pastor's Charities, that I use to provide money directly to the poor or for not-for-profit organizations designed to benefit the community.
At some point, we will return to our original policies. Thank you for your understanding.
God bless you,
Fr. Ron
Sent by Joanie Maitilasso