Pastoral Associate's Weekly Connection, 8/15/20

Liturgy ~ work of the people ~ 
public service ~ Mass!
Dear STL Families,
The Liturgy. The Mass. These words are on my mind and on my breath every single day. I wonder if God is telling me I should go to Mass daily...hmmm! I'm constantly thinking about how connected we really are with each other and what your experiences are both at-home and on-site. I'm thinking of Fr. Ron because he taught us that Mass, the Divine Liturgy, connects us as a community of faith. I'm grateful to him for his love of words and their rich layers of meaning. He would often go to their Greek or Latin roots. He helped me seek a deeper meaning and knowledge of liturgy.  
We know that the early Christians adopted the word liturgy to describe their principal act of worship, the Eucharistic service, the Mass, which is considered to be a sacrifice. We gather as a community to participate actively in each liturgy, for this is holy “work,” not entertainment or a spectator. It's what we do and I love participating as the people of God in the work of God.
On another note, a few of you have indicated that you'd like this Weekly Connection to be more "newsy"--what's happening in our parish. Let me say, "We're here for you." What would you like to know? Hit the Reply button below and share your ideas with me. Don't forget to check our website for news around the parish. You may also view our weekly Sunday Bulletin which is accessible on the website. 
Here's some great news:
  • Our outdoor Mass attendance continues to grow as 196 people were present this past Sunday.
  • Sweet Madeline Vandiver completed the sacrament of First Eucharist with her St. Kieran's class last month. As a multi-generational family member of our STL parish, she is the first to receive Eucharist at the first outdoor Mass. Congratulations, Madeline girl! We love how you love Jesus!
With a very grateful heart, 
The Feast of the Assumption
of Our Blessed Mother Mary
Sent by Jane Alfano