Pastoral Associate's Weekly Connection, 8/ 22/20

"For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older."    
President Ronald Reagan~Presidential Proclamation (August 19, 1988) 
Dear STL Families,
Did you know that Friday, August 21st is National Senior Citizens Day? We are truly blessed to have generations of loving people in our parish, most notably our seniors, the 'young-at-heart' folks. We miss those who have gone before us to prepare our place with them again. Yet we still have those who continue to teach us and inspire us here in this place. 
Whatever you're doing this coming week, join me by carving out some time, maybe 15 minutes 2-3 times this week, to reach out to one of our 'young-at-hearts' ~ let them know you care and honor them for the life they live and the joy they are!  
By the way, I spoke with Fr. Ron the other day. He asked me to tell you that his physical challenges still exist, but he's walking 3 to 4 times a week and he doesn't have stress exacerbating things. He likes how cool it is down in Rosarito Beach, compared to El Cajon. He also likes not having to get up at any particular hour, although he has been getting to bed earlier and waking up early. He also said that 
he loves all of you and misses you.
On to other news related to our Outdoor Mass:
  • Please remember the six-feet social distance spacing is by HOUSEHOLD UNIT. I know some of you see each other often and don't worry about spreading illness. I also know that we get mixed messages on social media and the news. However, this pandemic is a time when extenuating circumstances are widespread. Health experts are telling us that behavior works if we're diligent about it. We can do this by working together, not just to protect ourselves, but more importantly, to protect others, too.
  • Congregational singing has been restored to the Mass. One parishioner told me that even though she can't carry a tune, she enjoys singing softly and listening to those around her. We got into music selection and the role of music within the liturgy which is a whole separate discussion. We both agreed that singing does make the liturgy a beautiful celebration. It's like St. John Paul II said, "...That sacred music is the beauty that invites prayer.” Simple!
Lastly, don't forget the deadline for contributing gift cards to fill Anza Elementary's Lunch Box is August 30th. Contact Pat Riggs directly at
Oh yeah, I'm still praying for a Live-stream Mass Volunteer Crew. HELP!
With a very grateful heart,
Sent by Jane Alfano