STL Faith Formation Sessions Delayed, 9/4/20

Dear STL Families,
No kidding! Things have changed already and so quickly. I recently informed you that Faith Formation registration has begun. That's true. What has changed though is our start time for the programs -- Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Sacramental Prep, Middle and High School catechetical sessions:
  • SESSIONS WILL BEGIN SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4TH instead of September 13th.
  • This is primarily in response to the lack of enroll- ments to date. It is our goal to work with you and allow you more time to settle into your children's regular school sessions through September.
  • We received permission to gather onsite provided all the COVID-19 precautions are in place and enforced. Safety of your children is our priority!
  • We will offer both online and onsite sessions, a hybrid form of curricula and presentations.
  • Look to and be sure to contact our Coordinators, Debbie Stenovec, Jenny Kroeger, & Evelyn Beale for the details.
Thank you for your patience, cooperation, and trust in us. May God bless you and bring you peace!
We pray that you remain open to the urgings of the Spirit in your lives and to be open to participation in our faith formation programs. We are committed to working with your schedules as best we can.
Sent by Jane Alfano