Dear STL Family,
Before I forget ~ There is NO New Year's Day 2021 Mass at ST. Luke!
As I reflect on this year’s many challenges, my heart is full of gratitude for the extraordinary commitment that you, our parishioners, have shown towards others who, sadly, felt lonely, isolated, or neglected during the COVID-19 time; towards those who, unfortunately, lost jobs or income; towards those who needed help with shopping or meal deliveries; and towards our ministry groups who needed volunteers. It was so uplifting to witness our community coming together to persevere during these difficult and erratic times. I personally appreciate all your kind words, support, and understanding as your Parish Pastoral Associate.
This will definitely be a memorable year for St. Luke. We faced formidable barriers to connecting and maintaining close relationships and regular face-to-face communications. But through prayer, focus, determination, teamwork, as well as innovative technical solutions, together we overcame these barriers.
We succeeded in modifying as well as creating key programs and services to accommodate physical distancing while safely delivering uninterrupted care and learning with a personal touch. Families who were open to trying something different and new did so through our virtual hybrid platform for our Faith Formation gatherings. And, as a community of disciples, we were able to continue our work in the Mission Field through both our virtual and in-person outreach fundraising events for various charities.
This past year truly gives a new meaning to the expression Hindsight is 20/20. It’s this time of year when I typically review my experiences and set resolutions for the new year. And for me, it’s a given that I need to change a few habits or alter my attitude and perspective on life experiences that have kept me "stuck." I know there are situations outside of me that I can’t change, but I am so much more aware there are things within me that I can. How do I know? Because “The light of most holy faith is what opens the eye of the mind,” according to Saint Catherine of Siena. I think it helps me when I consciously see things through the eyes of Christ instead of me seeing things through the lens of our social media. Jesus is the only one who can give me the true clear vision!
As we close out 2020, we thank God for shining His light in us, through us, and over us. We thank God for helping us make it through this year of a pandemic, racial tensions, joblessness, and political battles. We thank God for helping us realize how much we need Him, His grace, His strength, and His love through even the toughest days.
As we approach the year 2021, fix your gaze on God in the eyes of most holy faith—believe in our Father in Heaven—that He has a plan in your lives now and in the future! May God bless you and yours!
With a very grateful heart and a Ho! Ho! Ho!