Confirmation Ministry
Confirmation Ministry is designed for high school youth. Our goal is to help families raise mature disciples, more specifically — 1) help them name and claim the experience of God in their lives; 2) help them put words to and share their faith; 3) help them develop an intimate relationship with the Lord; 4) help them come to know themselves; and 5) help them commit to living out the life of discipleship in their every-day lives.
Confirmation Ministry is a two-year process with key components including:
- Regular participation in Sunday Mass
- Ascension Press’ Chosen Curriculum - completed at home with parents
- Consistent participation in High School Youth Group twice a month on Sunday Mornings between Mass times
- Engagement with Parish events, including: quarterly EMMAUS whole community gatherings, penance services, bingo nights, STL Fall Festival, etc
- Attend annual parish high school retreat both years of preparation and San Diego Youth Day at least once during their formation. Year 2 Candidates also have a 1-day mini-retreat in the Spring before Confirmation.
- Informal one-on-one conversations with the Youth Minister to check-in with and talk about the disciple’s readiness. One of these conversations takes place at the beginning of the preparation process and the other conversation prior to scheduling the actual Confirmation date.
If you have any questions regarding Confirmation Ministry, please contact Youth Minister, Steve Browne, at (619) 442-1697 ext.106 or email Steve Browne.
High School Youth Ministry
High school youth ministry is for anyone in 9th-12th grade. Our goal is to accompany teens on their faith journey and help them deepen their relationship with Christ and His Church through comprehensive youth ministry practices. Here are some of the things High School Youth Ministry offers:
- High School Youth Group - any high school teen is invited to join us twice a month on Sunday mornings between Mass times for community building, games, small group and large group discussions, prayer experiences, social events, service-oriented activities, and more!
- Core Team - our leadership team for juniors and seniors in high school, as well as young adults, which helps plan and facilitate youth ministry activities like youth group, retreat, and other social events
- Annual High School Retreat - 3-day retreat in Pine Valley for all high school teens, even those who aren’t preparing for Confirmation
- Retreats are a proven way to build community and grow closer to Christ. They are times to get away from daily routines and reflect on God’s presence in their lives and have meaningful time with their peers.
- Quarterly Service Projects
- Social events, collaboration with other East County Parishes, conferences, summer camps, and more!
Instagram @stluke_youthministry