Domestic Violence
1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men have been victims of severe Intimate Partner Violence.
1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence from an intimate partner.
1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner.
Domestic Violence stats are generally the same across all demographics, cultures, and religions.
Physical – Hitting, biting, punching, slapping, shoving, throwing, grabbing, pulling hair
Emotional – Name calling, playing mind games, threats of violence, blaming, Jealousy, sabotage, controlling, threating looks, threating actions, humiliating, isolation
Sexual – Forcing sex or sex acts, unwanted touching, manipulating sex when not wanted, not using protection when asked, insisting on sex on demand when not wanted
Financial – Denial of access to banking accounts, funds, financial information, taking money, demanding accountability of every penny spent
Spiritual – Preventing a partner to practice their faith or demanding partner to practice the other partner’s faith, using scripture to guilt a partner to get what they want
Help is free and confidential
If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
Talk to someone who will listen and support you – family, friend, neighbor, coworker
St. Luke’s Safe Place – Rich: 619-933-8468, Brooke: 320-292-0776
Make an appointment with Father Don 619-442-1697
National Hotline 24/7: 800-799-SAFE (7233)
Text Start to 88788
Live Chat:
Local Hotline 24/7: 877-633-1112
Local Hotline 24/7: 888-DV LINKS (385-4657)
Make a Safety plan:
The Family Justice Center of San Diego – Counseling, Shelter
Welcome to the San Diego Family Justice Center | Your Safe Place | City of San Diego Official Website
Center for Community Solutions – Counseling, Shelter
Center For Community Solutions : Home (
858-272-5777 or 888-385-465
Sexual Assault Hotline
Connect with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area.
800-656-HOPE (4673)
Your Safe Place
Free services to Adults, Seniors, Children and Teens who have or are experiencing sexual assault, sex trafficking or (domestic violence, family violence, or elder abuse) regardless of age, gender, income, or immigration status.
Not Alone
Ann Richardson is a Christian Spiritual Director in San Diego who leads Not Alone small groups, a Christ-centered recovery program for women who have experienced physical, emotional or sexual trauma. She also leads workshops and provides spiritual direction to accompany survivors of emotional or sexual trauma.
Beyond Trauma
A Catholic guide for spiritual first aid
More resources for Sexual Abuse and Sexual Abusers
More resources for Domestic Violence
For more information:
Chicago Archdiocese Domestic Violence Website (excellent source including video testimonies)
Domestic Violence Outreach - Parish Vitality and Mission (
San Diego Diocese Domestic Violence Website
Domestic Violence – The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego (
Relationship Bill of rights
Relationship_Bill_of_Rights.pdf (