Dear STL Family,
This 4th Sunday of Easter Gospel is one of our favorite stories, The Good Shepherd. All of us at St. Luke are wondering who will shepherd us when Fr. Ron retires in July. I know that many of you have expressed concern or are in a quandary due to the "unknown". Me, too! So let's pray more passionately and enthusiastically about this and continue to place our trust in God!
We are often asked to pray for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. The concept of vocation rests on the belief that life is about more than "me". This week, we are asked to focus our attention on a particular single person (young or middle-aged), and be a PEST ---
PRAY for a specific individual that he/she may be open to the calling of the Lord.
ENCOURAGE the individual to consider priesthood or sisterhood/brotherhood. Just ask him/her!
SUPPORT the individual. If he/she says yes or no to your request, give him/her your prayerful support.
THANK God for giving you the courage to ask.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said that unless we teach our youth how to pray, they will never hear God calling them into a deeper relationship with Him and into the discipleship of the Church. He also gave us this prayer for vocations:
“Grant, O Father, that the Church may welcome with joy the numerous inspirations of the Spirit of Your Son and, docile to His teachings, may she care for vocations to the ministerial priesthood and to the consecrated life. Amen.
Sustain, O Lord, bishops, priests and deacons,
consecrated men and women, and all the baptized in Christ, so that they may faithfully fulfill their mission at the service of the Gospel. Amen.”
I want to share a short, enlightening message about desiring God like we desire a breath of air...