Is CHRIST in YOUR Neighborhood?, 1/29/21

Are you looking for a way to re-awaken your faith? 
Are you interested in learning more about Jesus? 
Do you desire to study the Sacred Scriptures? 
Do you want to meet friends in our parish or rekindle old friendships? 
Christ in Our Neighborhood is just for you!
 During the Season of Lent, we invite you to participate in the Christ in Our Neighborhood program by coming together virtually on a weekly basis (usually an hour). Here, through the Lenten Sunday scripture readings, reflections, sharings, and praying together, you'll come to know Christ and make Him known.
* VOLUNTEERS (individuals or couples) willing to  
      facilitate a small group of 6-10 people. 
* NOTE 1: The groups will gather via ZOOM once a 
      week for six weeks beginning the first Sunday of 
      Lent through Palm Sunday (Feb. 21st - Mar. 28th). 
* NOTE 2: If you'd like to be a facilitator, but aren't 
      comfortable with setting up or managing the Zoom 
      platform -- NO PROBLEM. We'll help you or group 
      you with someone who can. 
* NOTE 3:  The facilitator's guide and materials are 
      outlined in simple steps making it easy to follow.  
~  Please help us plan by responding below.  ~
I prefer to meet on the following day for each of the six weeks.
I prefer to meet during the following time of day for up to 1 hour.
You may sign up by emailing Evelyn Beale directly or by filling out the Google Forms via these two links:
High School:
Young Adults:
When you make a selection, you will be directed to another page. If you have any additional information or questions, click on "View the note" and share your thoughts on the side panel. You may also, after completing this survey, just hit "Reply" and share your thoughts there.
Sent by Jane Alfano