The Church of St. Luke invites you to participate via zoom in a virtual Stations of the Cross on Fridays during the Lenten Season starting tomorrow,
February 19, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Join the Zoom Gathering by clicking on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88407681888?pwd=aWRJR21CVlg4RFFpOW03SDJWbC9Zdz09 Meeting ID: 884 0768 1888 Passcode: 908468 We are also considering an indoor in-person Stations of the Cross service on the Friday evenings of Lent. Let us know if you and your family will participate.
All three Masses will be held indoors again this weekend ~ Saturday & Sunday, Feb. 20 & 21, 2021.
We still don't have a clear, reliable reading on what to do based on the recent survey results. We will continue to evaluate your responses and keep you posted. Thanks for hanging in there with us.
As you approach the church entrance, you may notice the absence of the outdoor canopies/tents. Their absence has nothing to do with our Mass scheduling. They just collapsed today which was likely due to the wind. These tents have withstood heavier winds and were not designed to be permanent or even semi-permanent structures. Again, thanks for your understanding and THANK GOD, no one was hurt.
Look forward to some Good News tomorrow in your email. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy!
With a very grateful heart,
Sent by Jane Alfano