The Church of St. Luke |
Dear STL Family,
Yesterday was National Day of Prayer ~ a timely call to stand and raise our arms in praise and thanksgiving for all the blessings in our lives! A very timely call to fall on our knees asking our gracious God to hear our prayer! But we as Christians know that daily prayer is essential to living a life of peace and love. So let us pray every single day!
Speaking of praying...as you know, we will be implementing a different Parish Leadership Model when Fr. Ron retires this June. To most efficiently serve our parish, we're in need of and praying for a solid Full Charge Bookkeeper/Financial Assistant. Please let us know if you or another qualified individual you know is interested in this position. This full-time job entails:
Preserving our financial and other business records. Facility with Quick Books accounting software is required and an understanding of Fund Accounting is desirable.
Maintaining the parish budgeting process; preparing the parish income budget and the expenditures budgets for departments other than those who prepare their own budgets; working with other staff in preparation of their program specific budgets; combining all budgets into a combined budget for the parish and recommending budget adjustments to achieve a zero-balance budget.
Helping the parish stay within budget; providing parish staff with reports which will show them how they are staying within their respective budgets.
Preparing an annual financial report, in draft form, with narrative analysis, for the parish, including the current financial situation (Balance Sheet), the report of Revenues & Expenditures for the report year, a report of changes in fund balances for the report year, and a budget for the upcoming year.
Interacting directly with donors, vendors and contractors for the purposes of efficient receiving and dispersing funds.
Working with the Parish Collection Counters to account for and deposit collections in the bank.
Supervising the work of the ParishSoft data entry volunteer to ensure timely and accurate entry of donation information into parishioner accounts as well as supervising other volunteers who assist with other bookkeeping functions.
Preferred Qualifications: * Associate's degree in accounting or related field, preferred * Certified Bookkeeper designation, preferred * 1+ year of supervisory experience * 5+ years of experience in a bookkeeping role * Advanced accounting and bookkeeping software experience * Aptitude for business; detail-oriented * Strong communication skills, both oral and written * Must be comfortable meeting tight deadlines * Experience with analysis of financial statement
While we're on the subject of this new parish leadership model, I know several questions are circulating about how it actually works and who's really in charge. To answer your questions and share a basic catechetical instruction on this model, Bishop Robert McElroy will facilitate a Town Hall Meeting at St. Luke on May 16th.
As the incoming Parish Life Director I, too, have a few questions. In fact, I don't have answers to some of the challenges already presented to me. Fortunately, I do have ample and reliable resources as well as time to figure things out. I have powerful prayer warriors among us. I have wise, seasoned, experienced leaders in our community. And, I'm most grateful for the Holy Spirit who reigns over our parish way of life. I ask for your prayers as we make this transition.
Having said that, I would be remiss in not thanking you for all the support and love you have already expressed. I am deeply humbled and honored to continue serving you all. Thank you so much!
From my heart to yours,
Jane A.
Join Bishop Robert McElroy
at our Town Hall Meeting...
A New Opportunity and Future for
The Church of St. Luke community...
Sunday, May 16, 2021
following the 9:00 am Mass
in our church gathering space.
Learn more about the new Parish Priest
and Parish Life Director Leadership Model.
Bring your questions, issues,
and your open hearts and minds.
Sent by Jane Alfano
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