“Peace I Leave With You; My Peace I Give To You”
How many of us are constantly stressed? How many of us are carrying unseen burdens, anxiety or depression, trauma or addictions? How many of us are longing for peace?
Jesus' peace consists of unifying ourselves with God, our neighbors, and our very bodies. Jesus' peace does not mean a bland tolerance of "anything goes;" the peace of Jesus is one that fights for our souls, our freedom, and our redemption. He went to the Cross for us so that we might follow him on that path of dying and rising, to be born anew.
The "City of God," that St. John is describing in our passage from Revelation this week is this heavenly destination where no sun or moon is needed because "the glory of God gave it light, and its lamp was the Lamb" (Rev. 21:23). We will never have full and abiding peace on this side of heaven. But it is in the Church that God has established here on earth where we can receive forgiveness of our sins, community and fellowship, and the Bread of Life for the journey.