Dear STL Family,
It's that time again to express your support for the work of our Parish Pastoral Council Leaders. How? By nominating a parishioner to serve as a parish leader.
“The purpose of the St. Luke Parish Council is to work with the Parish Life Director to provide pastoral guidance to the parish, oriented toward fulfilling the mission for which Christ established the Church.” Although the Council is advisory, according to Diocesan guidelines, it is consultative. “It is the duty and responsibility of the Parish Pastoral Council, and its members, to collaborate with the Parish Life Director in providing direction and oversight for all pastoral aspects of parish life.”
The following qualities should be considered when nominating or appointing members to the Parish Council:
- They must have been registered in the parish for at least three years prior to appointment.
- They must be fully initiated Catholics living in conformity with the precepts of Canon Law.
- They should have an appropriate concept of parish.
- They should have demonstrated the ability to place concern for the total parish above individual or interest group concerns.
- They should be willing to work within a formal consensus process.
- They should have demonstrated a desire to be guided by God’s will rather than their own desires.
In addition to the Parish Life Director, who serves as council president and presides at meetings, there is a Chairperson who is appointed annually by consensus of the members. The Chairperson is always a member of the Agenda Committee and represents the Council to the parish as spokesperson. The nominee will be contacted and asked to attend a special discernment meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council designed to help us select from the list of nominees. We thank you for your consideration. Remember, you may also nominate yourself.