Let's pray together for the end of abortion!
Our Spring Campaign ~ The San Diego Walk For Life & Car Caravan is on! |
Every human life is a gift from God. Let's actively promote the sanctity of all human life and help to protect the unborn by showing the love of Christ to women and families in need in our community. Help us reach more women, save more babies, and heal more lives!
* The Car Caravan will begin at 1:00 pm this Saturday, January 16. Simply merge into the
line of cars that will be traveling clockwise
around the block bordered by Grape Street,
Pacific Highway, Ash St., and Harbor Drive.
* The event will end at approximately 1:30 pm.
* Decorate your car before arriving with
positive pro-life signs.
*** Some simple rules:
DO: - Have a positive pro-life message - Be sure that all decorations are secure - Be courteous to other drivers who may need to merge into the lane in order to turn, or
cars merging in to join the caravan.
DON'T: - No graphic images - Avoid angry slogans
- No political messages - No placing decorations that block your visibility and ability to safely operate your
- This is not a “float parade”; nothing should fall off your vehicle at normal traffic speeds
up to 30 mph
- No tailgating the car in front of you Please register at the San Diego Walk for Life website sandiegowalkforlife.org and you will receive a link to a zoom-based Rosary while we caravan around the block. We hope to see you there!
______________________ Here is another way you can help support the local El Cajon 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign, as we work together to end abortion and save lives! Our local campaign begins on Wednesday, February 17, 2021. * The Opening Ceremony will be the night before, Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
* We will meet at 1625 E. Main Street, El Cajon, on the sidewalk in front of the East County
Urgent Care.
Tell your family and all your friends; this is their opportunity to come with you to pray, to be a voice for the voiceless, changing hearts, and saving lives! It might be fun creating your own team! Pick a day and hours best for you to pray with us on the sidewalk in front of the abortion facility; then SIGN UP at 40daysforlife.com/elcajon These are crazy times, to say the least, but now more than ever it is crucial for us to get going! This could be our very last time to use our God-given rights and freedom to stand up against abortion in the public square. Remember, we are always peaceful and approachable and we bring comfort to the women who need our help and prayers. Please, you are needed more than you will ever know! Remember, we pray every day of the campaign, Monday through Sunday, from 7:00 am - 7:00 pm. You can review our online calendar to schedule your hours at 40daysforlife.com/elcajon or email us at elcajon40days@hotmail.com We are looking forward to seeing all of you on the sidewalk, and hopefully at the Car Caravan too! God Bless you all, Your 40 Days for Life El Cajon Team Leaders
Sent by Jane Alfano