“Behold, I Make All Things New”
As we continue our Easter season, our readings this weekend detail the missionary travels of Paul and Barnabas, the powerful unification of heaven and earth in the Book of Revelation, and Jesus' new commandment to his followers: "Love one another."
From the beginning to the end, the story of the Bible could be summed up by the words of Christ from John's great vision in Revelation: "Behold, I make all things new." We love home renovation shows for this reason -- the taking of the old and, not discarding it, but renewing it and making it even better and more beautiful than the original. This is our destiny before the Lord, the God who calls us to restoration and renewal.
Even our suffering, our wounds, and our trauma can be renewed for God's glory. Just look at the Cross! God wants you to be restored and renewed. How will you respond?