Staff Member: Jane Cruz Alfano
Jane Cruz Alfano
Parish Life Director
Phone: (619) 442-1697 x103
Email: Click Here to Email
Hi there!
I’m Jane, an island girl from Guam and a San Diego native at heart. I am one of five children who were raised in a loving Catholic home surrounded by lots of aunts, uncles, cousins and, I guess you can say, it took a village to raise me. I am a cradle Catholic who attended parochial schools from kindergarten through twelfth grade. Having grown up Catholic, I never thought “living as a Catholic” was a choice. Looking back on my life though, I can’t see myself choosing to be anything, but a Catholic woman of God.
After a seventeen year career in the financial industry, specifically Human Resources, I wanted to stay home with our then toddlers, Andrea and Jonathan. We were a young family of four when we joined St. Luke in 1990. It was gratifying to find our niche with other young parish families, many of whom remain close friends to this day.
I responded to the call to parish youth ministry in 1994 and, after three months as a volunteer, accepted the position of Coordinator – MS/HS Youth & Young Adult Ministry. I am a lifelong learner and continue to seek out professional growth opportunities in catechetical and parish leadership development. I learn more each day what it means to live out my Catholic Faith.
As a wife and mom of two children (now young adults), my appreciation for families raising young disciples has transformed into a lifelong commitment to Christ’s mission and parish life. Working with young people has been such a blessing for me and I am forever grateful to God for this ministry. I love being fondly referred to as “Mama J” by our teens and young adults. I have truly enjoyed being a companion on their faith journey alongside their parents and families.
As your parish Pastoral Associate, I renew my commitment to service through the oversight of our faith formation programs and working with other servant leaders of our parish Pastoral Council, groups, committees, and outreach ministries.
God has also blessed me with Frank (RIP), the love of my life for forty-four years. He was a retired City of San Diego Fire Captain and College Baseball/Football Sports Official. I currently live in Alpine and love my neighborhood community. I still feel at home here at St. Luke though and will always stay connected to this amazing faith community.
My door is always open and I invite you to stop in anytime. May the peace of Our Lord be with you!