Staff Member: Susan Paul

Susan Paul

Phone: (619) 442-1697

Born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA, I attended a variety of Catholic and public schools kindergarten through high school. Upon graduating from North Hills High School in June, 1967, I attended Robert Morris University where I earned an Associate of Science Degree in Executive Secretarial Administration with an emphasis in the field of medicine.

During my working years in Pittsburgh, I was initially employed in a private dermatologist’s office. Following that position, I moved on to serve as Secretary to the Director of Psychiatric Education at the University of Pittsburgh’s Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic.

In 1974, I was offered a position as Administrative Secretary at South Bay Guidance Center in Chula Vista and so I made the move from the east to the west coast and have been in San Diego ever since. After some time, I was offered an advancement from South Bay Guidance Center to Vista Hill Hospital where I first served as Medical Staff Secretary and then Secretary to the Medical Director.

All throughout my life, I have had a very deep, active prayer life and I always wondered if I should enter religious life. I knew the only answer to that question would be to pursue that quest. In 1978, I began the novitiate program of formation in the Community Of The Holy Spirit. While progressing through that program, I served as Secretary in the Department of Pastoral Care at Scripps Mercy Hospital. I remained with the Community for two years. It was a wonderful experience and through it I learned that indeed I was called to a church vocation but as a laywoman, not as a religious.

When I left Community in 1978, I spent time at St. Joseph Hospital and Medical Center in Orange, CA where I successfully completed my Clinical Pastoral Education Course.

At the completion of my time at St. Joseph’s, I returned to San Diego. I attended the University of San Diego where I earned a Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Religious Studies and a Minor in Music as well as a Master of Arts Degree in Practical Theology. Simultaneously, I accepted the most joyous assignment of my life – full time Director of Catechetical Ministry at Ascension Catholic Parish in Tierrasanta. I had responsibility for Preschool through Adult Religious Education in all of its aspects. Putting family first, we began a program of faith formation classes in the homes and I directed all of the organization necessary to accomplish that. Each summer, I also directed Vacation Bible School and we were one of the first to adopt an evening program which was much more conducive to the parents’ schedules and thus increased attendance tremendously. Considering all programs, I had a volunteer staff of close to 200 and a paid secretary to help me along the way. I served in this position for 22 years and I will always treasure the time I spent there as well as the people.

After leaving that position, The Lord brought me to you here at The Church Of St. Luke where I am honored to serve as your accompanist. Each week I do my best to provide you with the highest quality of piano and organ. I am also here to fulfill your needs for weddings and funerals. Please feel free to call me at any time.

Serving as the Accompanist at St. Luke’s was an easy transition for me. I had begun the study of piano at age 7 and organ at age 13. I taught piano on the east coast before moving to the west coast. I also served in music ministry at Ascension where I provided music for weddings and funerals as well as the Saturday evening Mass. I also served as Co-Director of the Youth Choir which sang monthly.

As I progress through my golden years, I feel Our Lord is bringing me full circle. I continue at St. Luke’s. I have my own business teaching piano. And, I am a Director with Melaleuca, Inc., where I focus on health and wellness for all individuals. Our motto at Melaleuca is “Enhancing the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals.” When at home, I share my time with my dear little bunny, Oliver, who is attitude with a Capital A! He keeps me busy and I love him dearly.

In closing, I would leave you with this one thought. Never be afraid to follow your dreams and reach for the moon. You may attain your highest goal, but even if you fall a little short, you’ll still land among the stars and will be a precious gem in The Lord’s eyes. I wish God’s richest blessings for each of you.

Photo of Susan Paul